Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Mr. H and I had our second doctor's appointment yesterday to actually meet the doctor who will be delivering Baby H. During the appointment we were able to see that sweet little nugget and hear the heart beat again! :) This time the sonogram was a little less invasive with an over the tummy check... hallelujah.

I cannot express how happy it makes me to hear that sweet thumping heartbeat. It's so unexplainable... I have never heard anything sweeter. So much quicker than my own beat, reminding me that, that little pitter patter is depending on me alone. It is truly a miracle to watch my sweet baby on the monitor. No bigger than a lima bean at 10 weeks I could sit there all day and watch that little flicker.

The joy I have knowing that I am growing life inside is nothing I have ever felt. It is truly an amazing experience and what I always imagined it would be...

I don't know if it's the rollercoaster hormones that have taken residency or my weekly Biggest Loser cry but something has me feeling all sentimental.

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