Monday, February 27, 2012

A Defining Moment

Okay by the title of this post you my have thought there was going to be some profound post but let me assure you this is just the opposite.

So I took this picture of myself right after I died my hair to surprise the hubs. Well needless to say I DID NOT send it due the huge bags under my eyes. An 11 oclock dye job on a Friday following a week long adventure in Kindergarten will do that to you folks.... And staring back at me were the dreaded forehead lines.

Don't act like you don't see them....
It's not just my mid twenties catching up with me, I have had these babies for a while. I show A LOT of emotion in my face. Truly, I have my eyebrows lifted 99% of the day... and it shows! Well this picture was the final straw.... I did it.

I bought my first bottle of anti wrinkle cream. Eeeek!

This is the defining moment I speak of. And my question to Tom, "Can you tell a difference?" And his response.... "Well they don't look as deep!" Ouch! Well I guess I set myself up for this one.

Happy Aging Folks! I will just say that they prove I am a happy person.

(Two posts in the past week... I know. This week's fast is from TV and Movies. So there may be more :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed you did your hair yourself. I'm not brave enough to do my own. AND I was just noticing my forehead wrinkles today. What cream did you buy? I'm thinking I might need to partake.
