Sunday, October 3, 2010

My First 5K

This past Saturday I ran my first 5K run. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would do this. I HATE running!!! I loathe it... I always wanted to do it and it was a goal for me. But for years this was not possible for me until I started going to the crossfit gym. It has truly changed my life and brought Tom and I closer together as husband and wife. It meant so much that I ran my first 5K with my crossfit family.
Grapevine Crossfit

My sweet husband came to support me. Working the midnight shift 10pm-6am he had not gone to sleep but he insisted that he come to watch me run my first 5K. I am so glad that he did! I love him!
All the girls!
Sweet Amber... a great friend!
My goal was to 1st: FINISH and 2nd: not stop! I accomplised both of my goals. I ran the Grapevine Vineyard 5K in 30minutes and 48seconds. For one of the first times in my life I will say I am proud of myself. I am so glad that I accomplised something I set my mind to and with my new family.
I love my crossfit family!

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