Sunday, September 15, 2013

finding balance

I have been a bad {really bad} blogger. The school year has started and somehow I have missed Brynn's 9 month post and today she turns 10 months. The time is really flying by.

This summer I felt like we fell into a good routine with Brynn and I was finally feeling comfortable. Then in service week started and then school... now I feel like it's all I can do to keep my head above water. When I work on being a good teacher, I feel like a bad mom and wife. Then when I work on being a good mom and wife, I feel like I'm short changing my students. Being a working mom is hard. 
The laundry is never done (it never has been), there's always a load of dishes to be done... and let's not even talk about working out. At the end of the day if I can say; my students feel loved and Tom & Brynn are happy and feel appreciated then I did my job. But I am feeling weighed down. I am struggling to give it up and give it to God. My grasp is too tight. 

August flew by... but that only means that Fall is just around the corner. Hallelujah! 
Here's what we've been up to.

On top of getting ready for school Brynn and I decided to throw Tom a surprise birthday party. There was a lot of late night crafting going on. When your husband works the midnight shift the sneakiness can't start until 9pm. I am planning a separate post on this later... {hopefully} The theme was a 29th Beer Bash. 

Brynn is on the move. She is a speed crawler... pulling up on anything and everything... cruising furniture and chatting up a storm. I am working feverishly to catch up on her monthly posts so I can start working on her 1st birthday party... {I can't believe I just typed that} You bet your bottom that I have a secret board full of pins. And have had one for quite some time.

{that tongue is always out}

After creating my own chalkboards to document my pregnancy my mom started asking me to decorate different pieces for her, here and there. I created a few chalkboards for family friends and made a bit of extra money. Some friends, but especially my mom have always encouraged me to do something with my creativity but I've always brushed it aside. I am so not a risk taker... With a lot of help from my mom I have decided to take a leap and host my own booth at a local craft fair. So without further a due I present....

I picked my sweet friend's brain for a name for these chalked beauties. She {sprinklesandwrinkles} has always had a way with words. Magnolia holds a special place in our hearts. We have a magnolia tree growing outside our kitchen window in memory of Baby H. So the name has special meaning and is absolutely perfect. Thank you dear friend :) 

So along with party planning, school and chasing a mobile baby there has been LOTS of chalking. My husband has tripped numerous times over the frames and canvases lining our living room. So we are counting down the days until the craft fair on the 28th. Say a quick prayer... I am hoping for lots of interest. 

There has been lots of activity going on in our home. We are anxiously waiting for the cooler weather that Fall will bring along with Brynn's birthday and the holiday season. 

Love y'all!


  1. LOVE the chalkboards! Very cute! I wish I had your craftiness. :)

  2. Your chalkboards will be a HIT!!! LOVE them so much!! :)
