Here's to you Pioneer Woman, you make all working women look like cooking rock-stars to their husbands. If only I had the energy everyday to have a hot meal on the table waiting for him when he walked through the doors. Laying in bed tonight he told me, "You did good woman, but now you've spoiled me..." I guess the nights of grilled cheese sandwiches are over.
Here's to you Pioneer Woman, without your step by step pictures on your website I would not have known that 1 clove of garlic in fact, DOES NOT mean the entire garlic onion, garlic head, garlic bulb... whatever it is called. Yes I am a cooking noob. When I saw the recipe called for 4 cloves of garlic I was ecstatic to find 2 garlic thingies for a mere 99 cents.Your picture of 4 minced garlic cloves saved me, the meal and our breath! Let's just say none of those evil Voltari vampires from New Moon will be stepping foot in this apartment, we have garlic for a year. You're off the hook Edward (yes I am excited for the movie!)
Here's to you Pioneer Woman, you let us all feel a little less guilty for adding those few extra sprinkles.. cough.. hand fulls.. cough of Parmesan cheese to our recipe. For you, do this as well!
Now.... if you could only tell me. Did you kitchen look like mine did when the meal was over? Flour all over the counter, crushed tomatoes splattered on the microwave above the stove? Did your arms get tiny burns from bubbling olive oil causing you to wear oven mits while flipping chicken? I will just say yes to all of the above, for my sanity.
I do love you Pioneer Woman! You provide me with many hours of procrastination reading your blog instead of tackling countless chores that await me. And not too mention your numerous pictures of men in wranglers... :)
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