Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Holy Moly! 
The latest news is a DOOZY! This baby is coming, and coming soon. 

We had our appointment last Wednesday; it was great. My doctor checked my progress and I was dilated to a 1 1/2. And we got to see our Sweet Girl on a sonogram for the first time since we were released from the specialist. She was so much bigger! There is not a lot of wiggle room left which explains why the somersaults and twists have turned into shifting and jabs. Our girl was measuring at 6 lbs and 15 ozs already! What a chunk... I blame this girl's father! My mom told me that Brynn was already weighing more than me when I was born and this was at 36 1/2 weeks. My doctor reassured me that I would probably carry until 39 weeks. Which meant this baby would probably be 8+ pounds. This made my lady parts tremble a bit...

At this appointment my doctor also told me that the week of Thanksgiving she would be out of town... a little something failed to mention until now. Yes, this would be the week before our due date and if she came at 39 weeks, she would be out of town. Don't freak out, don't freak out. After the initial disappointment I would not let myself be mad or emotional, because this was completely out of my control. I just said a prayer, because our God knows what and who this delivery needs.

We are down to our weekly appointments now so this afternoon I had another appointment. These past two days I have been very crampy in the nethers and feeling a lot of pressure, so I was eager to see how things were moving along. Well moving along they are... My doctor checked me and I am currently dilated to 2 1/2 cm. We are definitely moving faster than last week's progress. This is how the conversation went...

Dr: "When am I seeing you again?"
Me: "Next Thursday."
Dr: "Can I see you on Wednesday?"
Me: "Yes!!!"
Dr: "Because here's how I see it. If you have not delivered by next week when I see you...."
(WHAT?!?!?!? I had to pick my jaw up off the floor)
      "I will see you again next Wednesday and you will probably be far enough along where we    
       will be able to admit you the following morning!"

Yes... now you can cue the freak out! One week or less? We will be meeting our daughter! So stinkin' excited. We will have all of our questions answered. What color hair will she have? Who will she look like more? Will she have her daddy's big brown eyes? 

Good thing I started working on my "Before Brynn" to do list last week. The car seat is in, my hospital bag and the diaper bag is packed. Now it's just the house stuff that we are working on. 
So until next time... we are just playing the waiting game. 

We cannot wait to meet you Brynn Marie! :)

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