Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Day of Winter Break

Twas the night before the first day of the "new" school year.
A husband and wife woke up to a power outage, definitely a worst fear.

To make the best of the situtation, "Let's get some Starbucks!" she said.
Still tucked in bed nice and cozy visions of coffee and pastries danced in Mr. H's head.

Coffee cake, blueberry scone & 2 coffees to go= The Best Breakfast in bed.
With a caffeine jump start we were ready for the day ahead.

The power came back on just in time.
We went to cash in our winning lotto ticket, bought a few more but didn't win a dime.

We didn't let the news get us down to low.
We were off to the Movie Tavern for lunch and a show.

A mid day matinee of The Fighter with Marky Mark as the star.
I'm glad we got a close seat so I didn't have to admire those mighty muscles from afar.

Off to Home Depot we went to top off our date.
Quality time with my husband, the grocery shopping and laundry could wait.

Pleading to the husband on this cold winter night.
Reluctantly he built us a fire, it wasn't worth the fight.

Searching to make sure no critters crawled down from inside,
We are now snuggled so warm sitting next to the fireside.

I can think of no better place I would rather be,
Than spending my last night of Christmas Break with my tiny family of 3.

Happy 2011 Y'all!

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