(look how young he was... little bug)
And the past six years have been the best of my life.
And my man has skills. Eat your heart out Napoleon! :)
And the past six years have been the best of my life.
And my man has skills. Eat your heart out Napoleon! :)
My sweet officer didn't make much of a copilot running on a mere 4 hours of sleep after the midnight shift so I belted out some Christmas carols to make the drive go by faster. We made a pit stop at Mr. B's BBQ pit and this place had some chow which was "slap your mother-in-law good." Mr H's words. Then we pulled into Mineola. Our friend's family owns 70 acres so we had the place to ourselves; just the coyotes and creepy crawlies to keep us company.
Knowing now about the rain and the cold wind during the trot I maybe.... would've stayed in bed snuggled all cozy next to my slumbering officer. But I definitely did not feel as guilty while eating a roll during the Farrell Feast. Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! :) Hope you had a great day with your families.
I told you... I have the best job ever!
"You are thinking about hearts and circles and Jesus is thinking about rectangles!"
Do you see God up there in the clouds? Always watching...