Sunday, February 3, 2013


Weekends are precious now that I have gone back to work. I am counting down the minutes during the school week until I can rush home to my sweet husband and baby. This weekend was exceptionally special because Daddy was off work due to a training he had attended earlier in the week. When Saturday came we hit the ground running. 

Saturday morning after some breakfast at home, and a quick Starbucks run we went to our niece's basketball game. She is on an all girls team and the team plays mostly all boys teams. Tough girls right there..
Brynn loved it. She was the cutest cheerleader there. 

 Beautiful Texas weather made for a perfect patio lunch at Corner Bakery.
 Lazy Saturday afternoon with my loves.
Ugh... makes my heart melt.
 Buddha belly midriffs are only cute on babies. Look at that thing.
All smiles on Sunday morning
Are you ready for some football?

 Girls got her sassy pants on.

 My world.

 Our weekend in pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. Katie, these pics are the BEST! What a sweet family you have =) We're shuffling dreams and dates for 2014...really hoping to find a window to come down and snuggle that little lady's face off! Hugs to your family, friend!
